Upcoming Shows!

Next Spill It is January 13th!


In case you wanted to double check our stance—Black lives matter. All of them (Love to Black trans lives!)

If you don’t agree, simply...fuck off.  

While we’re at it—we are pro BIPOC, pro immigrant, pro sex-worker, pro protesting, pro abolition, pro vax, pro harm reduction, pro science, pro queer, & pro fat, Damn the man, fuck capitalism, fuck police brutality, wear a mask, and let’s live our best lives together.... Which only works if we actually do it together. 


Our Fantastic Sponsors:

Hazy IPAs and Culinary Inspired Stouts & Sours.

Best beer in the world.

Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings

Amazing Sandwiches. Seriously.

Amazing Sandwiches. Seriously.

Totally Rad Hairs For Totally Rad People. Also, Bruce.

When we buy merch. we try our best to buy local. Many of you have asked about who we use and here they are: 
Our hoodies and patches!

Our hoodies, shirts, bags, and patches!

All of our screenprinting needs!

For all them sweet buttons!

For all them sweet buttons!

All our rad stickers and some raffle prizes!

All our rad stickers and some raffle prizes!